Why the Gig Economy Is Perfect for Millennials and Gen Z

Unmatched by traditional work, the gig economy provides a high amount of flexibility

With the growth of the gig economy, Gen Z and millennials now have more control over how they balance work and life     The traditional 9-to-5 job is no longer the only option for earning a living. The rise of the gig economy has given millennials and Gen Z more control over their work-life […]

8 Tips on How to Avoid Monday Blues

Monday blues can result in lower job satisfaction and higher levels of stress

Monday blues can simply be defined as sadness, or a lower mood at the beginning of the week due to work-related factors It is defined as “negative feelings that some people have at the end or beginning of the week” in Jessica Caporuscio’s article in Medical News Today. Even though Monday blues isn’t a medical […]

How to Pay International Employees Working Abroad?

Remote working has made borders meaningless

Hiring international employees would help you to get the best talent. However, paying international employees might get tricky. Here’s how you can pay your international employees! The remote working structure had become a widely recognized working arrangement around the globe. During the Covid-19 pandemic, most companies had to turn to remote working structures. It was […]

The gig economy values variety and different cultures

They have the chance to pursue their hobbies and passions because gig workers can find work in a variety of sectors, from hospitality to technology

The gig economy supports diversity and variety in many ways The gig economy has disrupted the traditional way of working and has become a popular alternative work arrangement that values diversity and variety. With the rise of technology, individuals can work for multiple clients and have more flexibility in their work schedules, leading to greater […]

What is an e-residency and how do I get one?

Because of the growth of digital technologies, businesses can now function in multiple countries without having a physical presence in each one in a globalized world

E-residency, a type of digital residence, allows people and businesses to operate abroad without actually being there Businesses are no longer restricted to functioning only in their own country in the modern, globalized world. Companies can now operate in several countries without having a physical presence in each one thanks to the development of digital […]

What Is a Side Hustle and How to Get One?

For most side hustles, all you need is a computer and an internet connection.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, more and more people have taken up side hustles to make some supplementary income. Here are some ideas for you to check out if you want to get a side hustle A side hustle is a supplementary job that you can take up on the side of your main job. If […]

How To Understand Different Types of Business Taxes?

Taxes are used as the main source of income for governments for covering public spending

Taxes can be one of the hardest things to understand when you are starting your own business. Here are some simplified explanations of the business taxes that you should be aware of as a small business owner Governments use taxes to fund public spending. It’s the main source of income for a government. However, if […]

How To Become a Digital Nomad In Spain?

Spain has recently allowed digital nomad visa under the country’s new Startup Act

In the years following the Covid-19 pandemic, many European countries have started to introduce different versions of digital nomad visa Living as a Digital Nomad in Spain. Have you ever considered this possibility? Spain has recently published their digital nomad visa which allows non-EU citizens to live and work in Spain as a part of […]

Tips and Tools to Become a Freelance Programmer

A great method to take control of your career and work on projects you are interested in is to become a freelance programmer Becoming a freelance programmer can be an excellent way to take control of your career and work on projects that interest you. However, leaping from being a full-time employee to a freelancer […]

How to use AI Compliantly and Properly for Your Freelance Projects

The use of AI in your job should be open and honest with your clients

As a freelancer, you may use AI to improve your work and deliver better outcomes to your clients     Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we live and work. From chatbots that automate customer service to machine learning algorithms that help us make better business decisions, AI has the potential to transform virtually […]