
8 benefits of hiring a freelancer for your business

Since Covid-19 started the number of freelancers in the world has increased, and researchers show that in the next six years the number might be doubled. Check out the benefits of hiring a specific person for your project

Freelancers are skillful and can bring many benefits for your business
Freelancers are skillful and can bring many benefits for your business

Habilities are something everybody has one, two, three, or even more. However, in a corporate environment, when a project starts, new skills are demanded, and most of the time, it is arduous to find qualified people. Generally, during the corporate daily the tasks are shared and the employee must perform them, even if it is not one of his / her skills, which makes the environment extremely stressful and overwhelming. 

Because of it, today companies have changed their corporate policies, to create new ways for achieving certain projects or increments. The full-time employee is not so precious anymore, either for mental health or the economy. When they are keeping an employee without development, the tasks are not performed adequately anymore. A freelancer professional has been the main choice currently, they are experts in determining points and hard work to accomplish the request.

Why hire a freelancer?

Skillful freelancers help businesses to develop new tasks, technologies, and projects, due to their specialization in that subject or material. For example, if you have a project to create a new YouTube channel for your company, you can hire a video maker, editor, screenwriter, community manager, and other professionals to focus on exactly what demand, and what it can execute successfully.

Another example is the software engineer, who is able to develop a new product, adding new features based on team support and innovation.

For high demands and skilled jobs, you might need to hire a freelancer, even full-time or part-time. The temporary jobs start to draw most the talented people, the main reason is the flexibility, the freedom, and also the opportunity to open yourself to new projects adding new skills for the life.  

Freelancers are worldwide, which that means, even if you need to hire someone from another country to succeed in your project, it might be successful. Many translators, software developers, game developers, designers, customer support, copywriters, software engineer and other positions have been made by freelancers.

Covid-19: the great growth of freelance

When Covid-19, at the end of 2019, millions of employees were furloughed or laid off. Just in The United States, around 40 million people were unemployed in May 2020.

During that time it was so hard to find employment, to overcome the situation, many people decided to use freelance platforms as a way to earn extra money.

The Payoneer researcher shows that because of covid, the freelance has accelerated. During Covid-19, around 32% of freelancers reported growth. In the USA, 35% of the people decided to work just as a freelance. Another research shows that in the number of employees in the world, 34% is compost per freelancers, and there are estimates showing growth over the next six years.

The graph demonstrates the world freelancer growth
The graph demonstrates the world freelancer growth

Check out 8 benefits to hire a freelancer:

1 – The best talent:

Hiring a freelancer is the best solution to find the most skillful person for your project. Through the Remotify platform, for example, the freelancers are applied and registered according to their ability, experience, previous projects, hours available, and technologies. Those details will help to accurate a properly freelancer. The pool of talent is deep and the filters are magic. 

2 – Short-term deadlines: 

Sometimes a project can take weeks, months, or even years, however for some reason you have an absence on your team or something is missing to finish that project. Yes, something can come up, however, the freelancer can even finish something at the last minute, according to the demand. If the term you requested determines the time, the freelancer will be able to accomplish it.

3 – No long-term commitments: 

Even most of the time, it is extremely important to provide a contract to keep your projects under the legal pages and policies, after choosing your freelancer, the agreement will be during the project, and the hirer does not need to provide health insurance and other job securities those would be provided if it is a full-time employee. The freelancer is responsible for those points, as they set their own time, needs, and responsibilities, with specific deliverables.

4 – More with less: 

Based on your project, you can hire specific talents to accomplish and achieve the demand. Instead of having a workforce, you can choose specific and when you need it. This is also a benefit for the freelancer because he/she can get new projects after and create new profits and skills, instead of keeping earning the same salary monthly and doing the same activities.

5 – Less supervision: 

After onboarding the freelancer, you don’t need to every day check each second of the performance, for the reason that the freelancer will update you using the report system, on Remotify. To emphasize, you will be aware of the steps, thus you will focus on other activities. The freelancer works with responsibility and transparency.

6 – Onboarding: 

Hiring a new coworker can take around weeks or months, however, the freelancers are already registered and organized by skills on the platform, which is efficient, and in one week or less you will be able to have your project initiated.

7 – Increase diversity: 

A team with a different mindset, skills, energy, experiences, and cultures, can promote an explosion of ideas, innovation, and performance. Creativity and divergents insights on your project can be made by a freelancer because he/she has a vision of the outside and different experiences from other projects.

8 – Cost savings: 

Most international companies have increased their capital and incomes according to to use them for unique needs. When you hire a freelancer, he/she will be specific to that project, even long term, however, the main aim is on the result of that task. Hiring a freelancer eliminates overhead costs, whiteout sacrificing the work output of your business. Furthermore, the time and budget are created based on the project.

Remotify has a large number of registered freelancers
Remotify has a large number of registered freelancers

But how to find freelancers:

It is impressive and clear that nowadays the number of people that are getting qualified to be promoted or even offer their skills to the freelance project is massive. In the same way, companies understand that a freelancer promotes more flexibility and economy to the corporate system. The collaboration tools are management systems, video conferencing, and others to show that you are able to work and perform a project in a great and transparent way.

Besides all this, the freelancer professional demonstrates to some companies unrespectability and no supervision about the work. Also from the freelancer side, the payment limitation or how to trust a company. However, using platforms such as Remotify, the system will be available from the hiring to the payment, analyzing and updating each step of the project.

Most companies take a long time to find a proper person to do that task, or with a specific skill. However, in our platform for example based on a filter and your project necessities, we will find the best options for you. Based on the experience, time, and other points will be accord during the procedure.

You can find out more details about the freelancers registered on our platform or even talk with our team to support you on this journey. Meantime, if you are a freelancer and would like to get a new project, register here and tell us about your experience. Let’s make the remote an easy approach.

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