
8 benefits of hiring a freelancer for your business

Since Covid-19 started the number of freelancers in the world has increased, and researchers show that in the next six years the number might be doubled. Check out the benefits of hiring a specific person for your project

Freelancers are skillful and can bring many benefits for your business
Freelancers are skillful and can bring many benefits for your business

Habilities are something everybody has one, two, three, or even more. However, in a corporate environment, when a project starts, new skills are demanded, and most of the time, it is arduous to find qualified people. Generally, during the corporate daily the tasks are shared and the employee must perform them, even if it is not one of his / her skills, which makes the environment extremely stressful and overwhelming. 

Because of it, today companies have changed their corporate policies, to create new ways for achieving certain projects or increments. The full-time employee is not so precious anymore, either for mental health or the economy. When they are keeping an employee without development, the tasks are not performed adequately anymore. A freelancer professional has been the main choice currently, they are experts in determining points and hard work to accomplish the request.

Why hire a freelancer?

Skillful freelancers help businesses to develop new tasks, technologies, and projects, due to their specialization in that subject or material. For example, if you have a project to create a new YouTube channel for your company, you can hire a video maker, editor, screenwriter, community manager, and other professionals to focus on exactly what demand, and what it can execute successfully.

Another example is the software engineer, who is able to develop a new product, adding new features based on team support and innovation.

For high demands and skilled jobs, you might need to hire a freelancer, even full-time or part-time. The temporary jobs start to draw most the talented people, the main reason is the flexibility, the freedom, and also the opportunity to open yourself to new projects adding new skills for the life.  

Freelancers are worldwide, which that means, even if you need to hire someone from another country to succeed in your project, it might be successful. Many translators, software developers, game developers, designers, customer support, copywriters, software engineer and other positions have been made by freelancers.

Covid-19: the great growth of freelance

When Covid-19, at the end of 2019, millions of employees were furloughed or laid off. Just in The United States, around 40 million people were unemployed in May 2020.

During that time it was so hard to find employment, to overcome the situation, many people decided to use freelance platforms as a way to earn extra money.

The Payoneer researcher shows that because of covid, the freelance has accelerated. During Covid-19, around 32% of freelancers reported growth. In the USA,