The freelance interview is the key to drawing attention and getting your project dream, these will be the way to show your professionalism and talent

Have you ever thought about being a freelancer? Probably if the answer is yes, or if you are already a freelancer, you know that for being hired you will face some interviews. These freelance interviews are aimed at finding the right talent and specific skills for the project.
A freelance interview is just like any other job-related interview, yet there are some main differences. First of all, in freelance interviews, the duration of the client-freelancer relationship tends to last less than in a corporate relationship. Also, depending on the job, whether you can fit into the corporate environment or when you should be working would not be a problem since you probably work remotely and according to your schedule.
The freelance interview will happen after you apply your rate and if the customer thinks it is suitable, he/she will choose an interview, to check about your mentioned on the portfolio and CV. Because of it, we advise you to build your portfolio if you do not have one.
However, being prepared for the freelance interview is crucial to show your client that you are a good fit for their current project. Check below to see some pieces of advice for the freelance interview!
1 – Previous Projects
Your client would probably be asking about your previous projects, so it is good to have a portfolio. You can hand it in a paper format or via digital services. In the portfolio, there must be a step-by-step explanation of the process, the final product version, and which skills you used. Also, do not forget to include your projects that are similar to the current ones; to show them how you proceed in these kinds of projects.
Remember to build and update your portfolio
2 – Search the Company Beforehand
Before the interview, it is beneficial to make research the company’s vision and core values. By doing that, you can show your client that you know their culture and care about their values. Also, this may give you a chance to collaborate on future projects and enrich your relationship. You can search its main website and social media accounts to get information about the company.
3 – Deadlines
Deadlines are one of the most stressful issues for your client. Since you have a newly-established relationship, they want to make sure that you deliver your task on time without any errors. They can ask you how you schedule your work when you have multiple projects, or they may want you to tell one time that you experience difficulty making your work to the deadline. You should be specific and honest while answering, and make the client sure you schedule your work appropriately and stick to the deadlines.
4 – Your Rate
When you are talking about your rate, wait for your client to do the first move. You can give a general idea of your rates, yet, do not come up with a price. It is better to wait until you get detailed information and specifics of the project; such as how many meetings going to be per week or what additional tasks are required. After you learn about all the details and make your offer, make sure that you set the delivery time, expected currency, etc.
5 – Working with Others
The project you are applying for could be a group project, so your client may ask whether you are comfortable working with other people or not. Also, even if you would be the only person working on the current project, you can get questions such as “How do you receive positive or negative feedback?” or “Are you willing to make changes to your product in line with the feedback?”. Answer them genuinely and openly state your boundaries to avoid any future problems.
6 – Technical Details
Explain the tools and programs that you would be using in the current project. Your client wants to be confident that you have adequate expertise in them, so they may ask you about how long you use them, the level of proficiency you have, and the previous projects in that you used the same tools. With the help of your portfolio and resume, you can demonstrate your proficiency and the previous products that you generated.
I would like to hire a freelancer

How it works on Remotify
The customers apply their projects on our platform and based on your experiences, education, skills, and abilities filter, we will forward your profile to them. After they will analyze your portfolio to start the next steps: bid and interview. Then if you be chosen, onboarding is the next step.
Some opportunities are from another country, and because of it, keep studying English or any other language that you can speak. Perhaps if you are introverted, remember that the interview is just a step and it will not take a long time. The customer is not there to judge you, but to check if your skills are matching with the necessities.
You can also train in front of a mirror, or recover your voice by imagining which questions would be made. In addition, call some friends to train with them. But just a last piece of advice, feel comfortable and imagine you are talking with a friend about the ability or projects you feel proud of.
After or before the interview, probably it will be requested some tests or tasks before the onboarding process, however, Remotify will be aware of it, and of course, let you know to be fair. And now, are you ready for the interview?