
Freelance Management System: a guide to your project success

Through  Freelance Management Systems or  FMS projects and the administrative task will be optimized to reduce time and risks

Get to know this System that will improve your project, productivity, and time management
Get to know this System that will improve your project, productivity, and time management

If you are thinking about hiring a freelancer or even if you are a freelancer, you must be wondering what it is a Freelance Management Platform and why to use one. Well, that is what Remotify has been working on for almost three years and now we will show you the benefits of it and how to register.

A freelance Management System or FMS is a platform for managing, hiring, adding, onboarding, offboarding, and paying freelancers. It can be used by freelancers or by project managers. That means you can do all the administrative tasks for hiring a freelancer or even manage a project through Remotify.

The project manager in this case will be the person or people who will manage the freelancer’s tasks and all the administrative procedure, from hiring a freelancer until pay him/her. This manager person will be able to access the platform and check each step deeply.

It is a matter of fact that managing many contractors or self-employed is a consuming time and it can be mitigating risks, then you will be able to create a contract, an invoice, or track the task or steps of the project. The FMS promotes more transparency and safety for both sides, since everything and all that will be available in the platform, and only the people from that project will be able to visualize.

Using a FMS, you will reduce compliance risks, create an engagement between projector and freelancers, follow the steps, track the progress, and rate the professional. Following the explained before, you will boost your project, and improve your time.

How it works

If you agree about using Remotify, here there are the detailed steps of the System:

Registration for freelancers

Self-employed also can use Remotify as a tool to get more income or opportunities. You will register, create your profile, answer the requests about your profile and skills and define your rate per hour. After this step, someone from the Remotify team will reach you to understand your profile and job preferences. 

Every time a new project is registered, you will be reached if the project requests match your skills. Then after you will create your bid for that job, your total price or rate per hour. When starting a project, on the platform weekly some reports will be requested, you will only fill them. Whether it is your first time as a freelancer, check this content to boost your new journey.


Easily a recruiter or project manager will be able to register your project on our platform. Some questions will be necessary to understand deeply your project, deadline, conditions, and which skills you are looking for. After accomplishing the registration, automatically the Remotify team will introduce some freelancers based on a filter created to support your project.

You will access this list and contact the freelancers for a bid and an interview. If it is necessary for a test or portfolio presentation, when contacting the freelancer, you can request all these points to help on your journey of choice.

In case of none of the freelancers have the necessary ability or experience to accomplish your project, the Remotify team will work as a recruiter as well, to find the perfect match for your job. We will be always working as a team to achieve your project goals and offer the best experience. If you would like to get more info about how to hire a freelancer, check this text.

Creating a contract

A contract will be extremely necessary to validate your agreement formally and transparently on the report of the company’s policy and compliance. The contract must be created in a common consensus between the freelancer and the project manager.

This document may be a detailed deadline, payment data, date, rate per hour, or total price for the project, how the payment will be made, copyrights, and many other points that you can read better here to write yours. The Remotify team certainly will be supporting both sides to promote a strong experience.

Also, the contract will be shared through the platform and signed as well. In this way, both sides will be able to access the document at any time, even after accomplishing the project and being off-boarded. Check the details about creating a contract.


In the wake of choosing your freelancer or freelancer, sign the contract and establish the last agreements and formal adjuncts for starting the project, on the platform you will onboard the freelancer, and share the tasks, goals, deadline, and any expectations about the project.

It is crucial to introduce your company, vision, and mission of the project to the freelancer and be aware of the expectations. All these steps are before starting the project deadline. Also, it is a key to creating a healthy and professional relationship with the freelancer to both sides work as a team. 

Tracking the process

You will not need a second platform for tracking your project, since on Remotify System, weekly, the freelancer will update you about the procedure and which step has been made at that moment. Then if it is necessary to change the deadline or even any detail about the job, each element will be executed through the platform.


Succeeding the project, it is time to finish and the freelancer send a report or even starts the agreements about copyrights and any reviews after accomplishing. All Offboarding and freelancer rates will be created through the platform, fastly and without complications.

Creating an invoice 

Creating an invoice is perhaps the slow and difficult part before the payment, however through our System, easily you be able to create an invoice. As we brought up before, when you add freelancers or hire freelancers from Remotify, their data will be already available, then automatically and fastly will generate an invoice.

The freelancer or project manager will be able to create this invoice, depending on the agreement. If the freelancer has a project on his/her own, it will be possible to generate the invoice as well. We have content about how to create an invoice effortlessly.


Following the invoice, the freelancer will receive the payment according to the date settled before starting the project. There are more than 150 currencies available and all the payment information must be an acceptance before this step, to optimize communication. The payment can be through any tool to advance this procedure, as Wise. If happens late payments or have any problems you can notify Remotify to support you. Check a text about late payment here.

By using Freelance Management System you will do all the administrative steps of managing a  self-employed in an only platform
By using Freelance Management System you will do all the administrative steps of managing a  self-employed in an only platform

Benefits of using a Freelance Management System:

Nevertheless, if you are still analyzing the reasons for using a System to enhance your project and collaborate with your time, below we list some advantages for both sides:

1 – Qualified freelancers

There are many freelancers from different countries, abilities, and rates registered on our platform. Then you will have the opportunity to work in a team with diversity and talent. Freelancers are always improving themselves to boost their careers.

2 – Diversity of freelancers

As introduced, after the registration step, Remotify System automatically will create a filter able to indicate the best option and certain professional for your project. The team is diverse and the abilities are as well. Then you will not have a problem finding the right person to accomplish your project.

3 – Create an invoice and pay in one place

Instead of using different tools for creating an invoice and paying your freelancer, on Remotify based on the data already applied, this step will be fastly and smooth. In addition, there is no complication in using the platform, since all the procedure is optimized in conformity to your experience as a user.

4 – Freelancer data

On the System, all your freelancer’s data will be registered, which means will not have problems anymore about recording information and keeping contracts and any features about your project.

5 – Freelancers can focus on their specific skills

Contrary to getting diverse projects on different platforms, on Remotify the freelancer will set their price and rate based on his/her experience and be close to the project according to the abilities registered.

6 – Fast payment

After accomplishing the invoice, automatically the freelancer will receive the payment. There is no complication or difficulty, it will be simple and basic like that. And if the freelancer has any problem with delays or misunderstandings, he/she will notify Remotify for support.

7 – The freelancer will be more visible to the market

As we mentioned previously, the freelancer will focus on the specific ability, however, the market, recruiters, and project managers will access your profile through a filter and you will get more opportunities, and increase your CV and portfolio visibility, which means more income.

8 – Being a self-employed

We already listed in several contents the reasons for becoming a freelancer, and all of them are in line with mental health, flexibility, more income, the number of opportunities, focus on a specific skill, and getting diverse projects in different companies and countries. Freelancing is freedom.

9 – Clarify the budget spent

Before starting a project, it will be requested your budget for that project, then while the job has been made by a freelancer, the financial analysis will be tracked at the same time. All these will reduce your time and avoid any risks.

10 – Assure compliance and any legal procedure

To avoid any mistakes and misunderstandings from both sides, your company and data will be guaranteed for Remotify and our System. Due to it, we mentioned the contract, compliance procedure, and legal steps. There are many consequences of misclassifying the freelancer, then it is important to reduce these risks.

What about Remotify:

Our FMS has a great solution for our freelancers and project manager. As mentioned previously, we work if more than 150 currencies and there is a big connection between cultures and nationalities registered on our platform.

Day by day we have been developing new projects and improving our system to offer better benefits to our customers. We have two types of customers and we would like all of them, freelancers and project managers feel comfortable and safe during the usage of Remotify.

Remotify has a huge list of freelancers from different countries. If you are thinking about using the platform for only one step it is possible as well. For example, if you already have the freelancers for your project, just add them to the platform and all the data that will be necessary for creating an invoice and paying them. Here we have 8 reasons for you hiring a freelancer, check it out.

Click here if you would like to get more info about us.

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